On March 13, 2024, Lair No. 3 undertook an outing to the Washington Memorial Chapel, upon the suggestion of Jeff Sivek, who is a docent at the chapel. Eight men gathered at the G Lodge Cafe, just outside the village of Valley Forge, Penna., for a lunch. Following lunch, we traveled to the national headquarters of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, of which Dan Morrison is a member. Then the group proceeded to the Washington Memorial Chapel in Valley Forge Park. Jeff Sivek gave a tour of the building and then we ascended into the carillon tower where we met the carillonneur and heard a him perform on the 58-bell carillon.
Present at this meeting were:
At the PSOA headquarters (l to r) are: Mark McDowell, Jon Faucette, Jeff Sivek, Mike Landis, George Green, Jim Barr, George Hindley.
Washington Memorial Chapel carillonneur Doug Gefvert in his studio.
Up in the tower, Rascals listening to carillonneur Doug Gefvert.
Mark McDowell checks out the bells.
Watching the carillon be played by Doug Gefvert (l to r) George Hindley, Jeff Sivek, Mike Landis, Jim Barr, Mark McDowell.
Dan Morrison up with the bells. Mark McDowell in the background.
Docent Jeff Sivek explains features of Washington Memorial Chapel.
Group shot (l to r) Jim Barr, Dan Morrison, Jeff Sivek, Mark McDowell, George Hindley, George Green, Mike Landis, Jon Faucette.
Jeff Sivek gestures toward Jon Faucette.
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